Amy and I went to go see Hillary Clinton speak on 4/1/2008. It was a fantastic day. I left work a little early, Hillary was supposed to speak at 7:30 and they were letting people into the auditorium at 5:30 so I thought it would be a good idea to get an early start. Amy and I got to Mercyhurst at 4:45 or so... I was still thinking we had PLENTY of time. Then I saw the line to get in. I am pretty sure there were like 2000 people (seriously) ahead of us in line. The end of the line was on the opposite side of campus from where the event was happening.

Here is a little taste of the line we were in. I still can't believe how many people were there. It was REALLY cold out there, and we were completely unprepared to be out there for that long. After we were in line for 90 minutes or so (remember, they began letting people in at 5:30) and hadn't moved much, Amy and I began to worry that we would never get in. So we took a couple of pictures of us in line, just in case that's as far as we got...

Once we got to the entrance, we realized that it just was taking a LONG time to get that many people through security. It was necessary for everyone to remove their snappy Hillary buttons and with everyone all bundled up, it was apparently pretty time consuming.
Once Amy and I got inside, we were shocked at how close to the stage we were able to stand. It was pretty great. and of course Hillary was great, it was awesome to see that many people fired up and excited about her campaign. for the record, there is still no word on Sen. Obama's plans to visit Erie. is there a plan? Here are a few more pictures for you...

There is another important and fairly entertaining aspect of my Hillary experience, but I'm missing an important visual necessary to blog about it, so that's gonna have to wait. it's great though!